The Trading Post
The SE Asian inspired playground is set on stilts with board walk and plank walkways. These connect the space together in a wheelchair friendly route over the sand. There are a variety of play experiences including climbing, traversing, balancing, running, crawling and sliding. It is a playground for younger children to use their imaginations for creative games and role play.
We have designed bespoke climbable plant boxes, labelled and stacked ready to be loaded onto a larger boat. Wardian Cases enabled the plants collected by plant hunters to survive and thrive during the journey as they are sealed containers protecting the plants from salt water, cold and wind.

The Jetty is wide with rope bannisters to enable good hand hold access for less able bodied visitors. A gentle ramp leads up allowing wheeled and level access to a wider pontoon to which the canoes are tied.
Three Canoes made from hollowed pieces of oak are tied up to the jetty connected by balance ropes and planks.
The Stilt House is Inspired by Cambodian stilt house architecture and is a sheltered raised space to observe the rest of the playground. It has multiple routes in and out for role play.